Immersion Groups: Temporarily on Hold. Please reach out with any inquiry.
Become a member for the month of May on or before May 9 and choose either one or both of these 21 day Immersions. This offering will be transmitting May 11 through April 31. Immersion 1 is a more gentle offering suggested for those highly sensitive beings. Join both to go deeper.
Immersion 1 : Gentle
Joy and Love 6AM to 9AM
Eternal One: Amplifies gold frequencies of soul essence
Integration Space: Amplify the feeling of being held while you process, integrate and rest.
Inner Joyousness: Amplifies and stabilizes your inner state of Joy
Integration Space: Amplify the feeling of being held while you process, integrate and rest.
Current of Love: Attunement with the eternal flow of Universal Love
Integration Space: Amplify the feeling of being held while you process, integrate and rest.
Relax 2PM to 5:06PM
Euphoria: Supports your body and consciousness to expand and receive higher states of being
Plasmaphoria: Attunement with plasma’s. Expands consciousness beyond material perception, allowing for greater flow with subtle energies and higher consciousness
Integration Space: Amplify the feeling of being held while you process, integrate and rest.
Rest 9PM to Midnight
Ocean Loving Recognition Reverence : When asked what the Ocean needed from us, the response was that Ocean wanted humans to regard themselves, each other and the waters of this earth with loving recognition and reverence of our true nature.
Red Spring Water Chalice Well : A synergistic blend frequency set
for human physiology 7 planes of existence. Fortifies the Divine original Angelic template structure
Integration Space: Amplify the feeling of being held while you process, integrate and rest.
Immersion 2 : Intensive
Angels Gifts 10AM to 1PM
Angels Gifts :
- Unify: Lotus Body awakening. True collaboration. Oneness. Greater connectivity for harmonizing together.
- Anointing of the Heart: Discharge excess electrical and ground physical heart. Quality of softening, yielding, receptivity. Dissolve heart walls. Allow more love to circulate more freely.
- Sword of Michael: Angel Michael is the divine architecture of the human heart. Impeccable Truthfulness. Unwavering Inner Strength. Fortify.
- Wings: Heart wing flows – extensions of heart circulation. Capacity to feel extended into deity planes and beyond. Supports full spectrum feeling and healthy circulation of emotional energy trans-dimensionally.
Angelic Mind Restoration 6PM to 8:12PM
Restoration of Angelic Human Mind:
- Brain De-condition
- Mental Plane Recondition
- Angelic Mind Attunement
Integration Space: Amplify the feeling of being held while you process, integrate and rest.