Frequently Asked Questions
We hope to answer them all! We will be updating regularly, please come back.
The Vision
The purpose of these Attunements is to support the restoration of Soul Force Energy to assist in re-unifying the soul with the human for a more integrated harmonious world.
As the field is informed by more beings, its strength will continue to increase around the globe. We become the transmitters, not only attuning ourSelves, but all our brothers and sisters, supporting the current transition from the dark to the Light age.
Membership is based on a sliding scale, experience the Immersion of your choice for as little as only $3 at this time. This being a seemingly Original offering, it has yet to find a place in the current Collective Consciousness. Your inclusion will assist in that effort. Share the Love.
Testimonials from our Beta Group
We have been running all frequency sets in varied groupings with a number of local friends in a beta group since early November 2023. Shared here are a few comments from the group:
“I feel a wave of ability to solve problems…my mind is more able to understand complicated matters and my emotions are more stable from triggers…wonderfullll❤️❤️” Caroline
“I can litterally hear a high pitched frequency turn on and off during these times…plus my toes and fingers continually vibrate during the sweep. If I get close to any of my own crystals it becomes so amplified I get dizzy and the buzzing goes throughout my whole body.” Caroline
“I am able to let go of concerns much easier.
Have more hope and self compasion.” Caroline
“I’m feeling extra supported in the inner work I do with journeying. It seems easier and easier to access my heart and body. Also lots of cognitive lapses that I know are due to me recalibrating to a more harmonious brain and nervous system 💛 Yay thank you!” A.T.
“Yes I do feel energy Fields coming through me that are amplified 😃🌺 what a beautiful collaborative experience” A.T.
“I feel so good today!
Deep energies are moving for me.
I take daily deep rest along with these frequency treatments, and big benefits are coming in.
Thank you Michael for supporting so many of us 🌺” A.T.
“I truly feel them and experienced a joy a few days ago that felt divine ✨️” A.T.
“Thank you for the reminder of the energy of abundance that pours so deeply, keeping me rooted in that vibration through the experience of navigating these waters and sitting with these fires.” Kevin Tea Guru
What do we do?
Anam Aurum translates higher states of consciousness into number sequences that are programmed and transmitted as frequencies through common a variety of combined technologies.
These Angelic Frequencies re-attune the human energetic structures to support co-resonance with soul and angelic levels of consciousness.
These frequencies are Divinely designed to support you to effectively adapt to the ascension process of multidimensional expansion, transformation and restoration of the angelic human template.
Through consistent exposure to beneficial frequencies our energetic structures can attune with natural states of harmonization with nature, natural laws, eternal life, universal principles and structures. This supports self-actualization the re-awakening of our innate self-healing abilities and trans-dimensional capacities.
How do these attunements support ascension?
We are going through an accelerated ascension process right now. These frequencies are designed to support you to effectively adapt to multidimensional expansion and transformation.
Angelic humans are natural receivers and transmitters of sound and light frequencies. We have the capacity to naturally adapt to our changing environments by receiving information encoded as frequencies through sympathetic resonance attunement. We are highly sensitive multidimensional beings!
However, we have been relentlessly bombarded with harmful, distorted, chaotic, incoherent, discordant, reversed and manipulated sound and light frequencies. Our natural resonance has become very out of tune with natural harmony. What we believe is “in tune” is actually disharmonious. For example, we are taught to tune to 440hz, while 432hz actually feels much better to our nervous systems.
With constant exposure to harmful frequencies our energy fields have become degraded and our natural ability to embody soul essence, light energy, and consciousness is impaired.
Anam Aurum offers a steady dose of beneficial frequencies to support the restoration the angelic human template. By constantly exposing ourselves to positive frequencies our energetic structures can attune with natural states of harmonization with nature, natural laws and eternal life universal principles and structures.
The frequency sets represent states and qualities which we might consider to be spiritual. These states exist within us, perhaps latent, dormant, asleep or depleted. The frequencies activate, awaken and amplify the corresponding frequencies within the original template of an angelic human and support the individual to self-generate these states. These frequencies are designed to support the restoration of Soul Force Energy. Increased levels of Soul Force Energy assist in re-unifying soul with human for a more integrated harmonious world.
How does it work?
Anam Aurum custom creates frequency sets by attuning with higher expansive states of consciousness of the angelic and magical earth realms and reading energetic signatures. They translate energy, consciousness and subtle essence into numbers that can be programmed as frequencies.
Anam Aurum currently combines technologies, most recently brought into the collective field by some visionaries including R. Rife, W. Reich (Orgone), I. Karim (BioGeometry) and W. Schumann, to transmit custom programmed frequencies to individuals via energy exchange and conscious consent through the quantum field.
We use a proprietary algorithm to generate a personal energy signature based on your name and birth date. Given the implied consent we imprint our transmission devices with your energy signature. These devices are then used as amplifiers and transmitters to inform the field bringing these Angelic frequencies directly and instantly to your being.
What will I feel or experience
For some it has been their path to remain open and sensitive to carry them forward on their journey, for others the opposite is true. Then there is everything in between. Your experience will depend on your path and your place on it. If you have the opportunity to tune in and bring awareness. Even more beneficial is tuning in as a group.
Some may experience discomfort. Some will feel nothing, but may simply notice a change within or without. We have been running these attunements on ourselves and our beta group for many months now and have not found any debilitating effects, quite the opposite. The stronger attunements do have the capacity to interfere with sleep, so we run these during the day. Other attunements have been found to support deep and regenerative sleep.
What does Anam Aurum mean?
Anam derives from the Old Irish word ainimm, refering to a soul or a life, and originates from either the Latin anima (soul, spirit, breath) or from Proto-Celtic *anaman (soul, spirit). From anima derives the English animal, animated etc. Its modern Irish spelling is anam.
Anam is also of Arabic origin and it means “blessed”.
Aurum is the Latin word for gold. It derives from the Greek word Aurora, the golden goddess of the dawn. Aurum, Aura and Aurora share the same etymology, all summoning ideas of splendour and radiance associated with this precious metal. The sun manifests the colour of gold at sunrise and at sunset.
Why become a member?
Receive a steady high dose of coherent, harmonizing and restorative frequencies.
You can go about your day doing your regular activities while the frequencies run and support you in the subtle energetic field. When you have quiet time, you can rest, meditate, journal, draw, move or whatever way you naturally tune in to and sense energy.
Time Zones-revised
Our initial offering for April we will be running three separate groups based on these three time zones: PDT (UTC-7), EDT (UTC-4) , and CET (UTC+1). This means that the time as shown on the schedule is correct in these zones.
Choose the zone that is closest to where you live.
The frequency sequences are organized to suit the time of day. More energetic sequences for daytime and more soothing for the night.
Immersion1 is less likely to interrupt sleep. If we do not currently have a central time zone that is close to yours, this may still be a fit for you.
We will be adding more central time zones as demand requires and infrastructure allows.
Members may choose to subscribe monthly, removing the need to login and register every month. We will be running 21 day Immersions every month. Subscribers can cancel simply through the Membership Management page. Instructions to access this will be emailed to you.
What is a PMA?
PMA = Private Members Association. By becoming a member you agree to engaging in a relationship with Anam Aurum in private, rather than public. This allows for sovereign control of ourSelves, without authority being claimed by public organizations, such as government corporations.This generally offers immunity from and limits censorship/control by any administrative agency of any government. We require nothing from you other than your monthly contribution to maintain membership. You can end your membership at any time. In return we offer the support described on this site.
Members will be able to connect with other members remotely. We are currently using the Telegram platform for a private social group. A link will be sent to members.
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